All pupils are expected to wear Fairford Academy Barnehurst uniform and your cooperation is essential in this matter. Uniform includes jumpers, cardigans, t-shirts and polo shirts (plain or with the school logo on). You can order these from the Boffins online shop to click and collect or from their physical shop on Pickford Lane, Bexleyheath or you may purchase alternative uniform from shops such as supermarkets or retailers. They must follow the below style.
Please ensure that each item of school uniform is named.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
White polo shirt, white blouse or white shirt
Red cardigan or sweatshirt
Dark grey school trousers (long or short) or grey skirt
Red and white check summer dress
Thick black, grey or red tights (winter)
White socks
Black shoes with sensible heels, suitable for school environment (not boots or trainer types)
White polo shirt
Red cardigan or sweatshirt
Grey trousers/ joggers/ skirt/ pinafore
Dark grey or white socks
Thick black, grey or red tights (winter)
Black trainers
All children need a suitable coat every day as we play outside in all weathers!
Tramlines, mohicans, or any other form of decorative hair cutting is not acceptable along with the bleaching or dying of hair. The Head Teacher, on behalf of the Governors reserves the right to send a child home if a parent decides to undertake this in term time.
Brightly coloured hair bands and hair adornments should not be worn in school; long hair should be tied back for school with a simple hairband, toggle or small ribbons, which need to be either red, black or white.
The wearing of jewellery is not allowed in school. Ear studs may be worn but will need to be removed/ covered by pupils during PE lessons. Teaching staff are not permitted to undertake this task. Watches may be worn but the School accepts no liability for the loss of any timepiece/ item of jewellery brought onto the premises.
Other Adornments
Nail varnish and temporary tattoos should not be worn for school.
PE Kit
Red or white T-shirt
Plain black shorts
Plimsolls or plain black trainers
Plain black tracksuit
Pupils should bring their P.E. kit into school on Monday morning ready for their weekly P.E. lessons. Please take a note of the days year groups have their P.E. lessons below:
Monday - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Tuesday - Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5
Wednesday - Year 6
Thursday - Year 1 and Year 2
Friday - Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6
Swimming (Year 5, Summer Term)
A swimming costume and a towel are required for swimming. Please note that Bermuda shorts or bikinis are not allowed for swimming lessons. Goggles are only permitted if parent/ carer has signed a consent form. A swimming hat must be worn (this applies to both boys and girls) and the first hat is provided by the swimming pool staff. Replacements will be charged for at £1.